Events and scheduled daily market news most likely to move markets on Monday 30th
Red – very likely to move markets. Amber – likely to have a market affect. Blue – less so.
Japan – industrial production & retail trade data due overnight
China – manufacturing data and non-manufacturing due overnight
Germany – retail sales data due at: 07:00 BST
Denmark – GDP data due at: 07:00 BST
Spain – GDP data due at: 08:00 BST
Germany – employment data due at: 08:55 BST
UK – GDP data due at: 09:30 BST
EU – employment data due at: 10:00 BST
Germany – consumer price data due at: 13:00 BST
U.S. – Chicago PMI data due at: 14:45 BST & bill auctions due at: 16:30 BST
Note: keep a close eye on market movements with events marked in red.
Other market moving news to watch
Updates to ongoing U.S. – China trade dispute – further high level talks now scheduled for 10th October 2019. More news about President Trump impeachment inquiry.
Further news about U.S. reportedly restricting Chinese companies from U.S. stock exchanges as part of an effort to reduce U.S. investment in China.
Ongoing unrest in Hong Kong may also have an affect on markets this week.
More Brexit shenanigans as Labour and the SNP (and others) combine forces to try and bring about a vote of no confidence in Boris Johnson and his government.
Iran and sanctions and the oil price.
Possibility trade tariffs could be levied on Europe this week if the U.S. win a WTO dispute as final decision is expected (Airbus vs Boeing subsidies challenge)?
The Chinese Communist Party celebrates the 70th anniversary of its rule on 1st October 2019. A National Holiday is observed from 1st – 3rd October 2019
And President Trump’s tweets.