Financial freedom, first get rid of credit card debt

There is no quick fix to debt

I’ve been there. I’ve lived it. I hate it. I never want to go back there again.

Debt can spiral out of control, taking you down to the darkest depths of despair. It slowly eats away at your life! Don’t let it! You can beat it! You CAN be happy again!

Debt – how to get rid of bad debt and make yourself happy again.

You can do this.

First thing first: Talk to someone, you’re not on your own.

Make a budget and stick to it.

Work like hell. Get extra jobs – one, two, three or even four or even more if necessary.

Don’t be proud, even if your are.

Don’t ignore it!

Deal with high interest credit card debt first! Pay them off!

You will NOT pay it off later. Do it NOW!

STOP using your credit cards. Better still get rid of them!

Use interest free balance transfer cards to move around balances. This can help. But only as a temporary measure.

Always! Always! Always! clear your cards every month without fail.

Don’t let credit card monthly balances hang over, ever!

If you have savings always use it to clear debt.

Consider debt consolidation to one short term loan.

Don’t use credit cards for shopping, especially online. It lulls you into a false sense of security. You become detached from what is actually happening. You are spending money without seeing it and it’s far too easy!

Seek professional advice.

Talk to your lender.

Check for debt support and grants.

Check your credit card rating – usually you can do this for free and it won’t affect your credit score rating.

And, always remember what got you into this debt mess in the first place. Be strong and avoid credit debt in the future.

And finally, when you’re all done and your heart’s happy again… SAVE! It will feel so good.

Save for that rainy day and banish those pesky credit cards forever.


Oh, and pat yourself on the back – you did it!

Remember: what you can’t pay ‘once’ today, you can’t pay ‘twice’ tomorrow.

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